Massachusetts Parish hosts Seminar addressing pandemic's 'enormous toll' on mental & spiritual health
Addressing the twofold issue of spiritual well being and mental wellbeing as well as offering advice, encouragement and practical strategies for prayer and self care, St. Mary's Parish, Brookline
hosted a virtual seminar. Religious education director Dr. Chrsitine Nadjaran organized the event because the Parish sees "a deep need for it among community members" during the pandemic.
Fr. Johathan Gaspar, the Pastor, points to the Psalms of which some arise out of a place of pain, yet ultimately express hope, calling upon God to intervene. Fr Johathan notes also the saints are able to find God in darkness, in the dark moments of life: "and that is what we are called to do today. Dr Larua
Ferrer, Clinical Psychologist and parishioner, presents ten strategies for improving mental health. She encourages identifying foundations including identifying five things necessary to feel "balanced" over the course of a week. The session closes with a question and answer session for those attending.
Check out a recording of the session below. And, if you know someone who is struggling, share the link with them.
If a loved one or you are coping with an intense struggle, including that life is not worth living, don't wait for it to pass, or refrain from "bothering" others. Find supports. In an emergency, go to a hospital ER. Crisis hotlines in MA: