September 2024 Fundraising Committee Report
Our exciting news is that the fundraising part of the project is in its final stage! Thanks to the generosity of many parishioners, we already have pledges and donations to cover about 90% of the cost of the project. A number of parishioners and friends have responded with gifts in the past few weeks. Thank you!
We still need about $90,000 to reach our goal.
And to make the challenge grant more meaningful, we have created a naming opportunity for a very important aspect of the project---the three new wooden doors which are being hand-crafted to resemble the original doors of the church.
But the best news of all is that the new doors will be named in honor of Father Cyr! As many of you know, Father Cyr, who recently celebrated his 50th Jubilee, has been pastor of both St. Raphael’s and St. Patrick’s and is beloved throughout the area.
As we dedicate these historical doors in his honor, we will be forever recognizing Father Cyr’s long and influential history not only in our parish but throughout the entire county. And by dedicating doors in his name, we will be giving thanks for all the “doors to the Church and to God” that Father Cyr has opened for us and so many others.
If you have not contributed to the project yet, please consider a gift in honor of Father Cyr. And if you have already pledged or donated, please know we would be happy to accept an additional gift in his honor!
If it is more convenient, all pledges and donations can be put in the collection basket or mailed to the Parish Office. Pledge cards are available in the pews.
St Francis of Assisi Blessing of Animals
furry, feathery or stuffed
Sunday, October 6
Following 8.30am Mass
Parish Center lawn
Following 10.30am Mass
Thompson Chapel lawn
Sun…...8.30am………Parish Center
Sun.....10.30am….....Thompson Chapel
Mon....8.30am….…...Parish Center
Tues.....7.00am……....Parish Center
Thurs…8.30am..…...Parish Center
Fri……....8.30am….....Parish Center
Sat….2.30-4pm....Adoration...Parish Center Hall
That Man is You (TMIY) meets on Thursday morning at 6am in the Parish Center. For more information, Frank Sabellico 770.570.0345/[email protected]
To register please use the QR code below.OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults)
Beginning this Sunday October 6th, Sts. Patrick & Raphael Church will be offering an OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) class, what used to be called RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults).
The course will provide an overview and introduction to the teachings of the Catholic faith. It is primarily oriented toward those wishing to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church or who are considering taking such a step.
Also invited are practicing Catholics interested in a deeper formation & fuller understanding of the teachings of the Catholic faith. The class will meet at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday morning, in the Parish Center.
If interested, please contact Jim Nolan (458-5275), or Jack Miller (458-2273). Or you can email Karyn O’Toole: