Coinciding with the Feast for Our Lady of Lourdes, the Parish will offer a Mass of Anointing. Anyone experiencing issues with their health is invited to receive the Sacrament of the Sick during Mass on that day. A reception will follow Mass providing all with the opportunity to connect with each other with support and care.
Adoration every Saturday afternoon from 2.30-4pm in the Church.
"This is the Bread of Everlasting Life which supports the substance of our soul"Mass Offerings—the 2025 Mass Book is Here!
A beautiful way to remember and pray for those we’ve lost is to offer a Mass for him/her. We are booking 2025 Masses—make sure your dates are available! The customary offering in the diocese is only $15.00. 413.458.4946
The Building Committee was happy that our contractor Keiter Corp. was able to complete enough work so the church could reopen for the Christmas Holiday. As you all know it was a “soft-completion” and there are still numerous items of work that need to be completed. The cold weather of the last several weeks has limited what we can do but we expect that to pass soon. The next steps for the project are:
1. The mason recently completed the installation of the bluestone steps and risers. They had to do this work in a heated tent because of the temperatures.
2. The railings for the perimeter of the patio and steps are being fabricated and will be installed as soon as possible. This will allow us to open the steps and use the entire patio. The temporary fencing enclosures will be removed.
3. You may have noticed that the joints in the plaza pavers were left low. This was intentional. The mason will return to fill these level with the pavers when warmer weather return.
4. The new doors for the church are in fabrication.
5. The plantings and lawns will be completed in mid April when temperatures allow.
6. The benches and statues will also be installed in April.
7. We are planning to remove the St Patrick’s statue in the upcoming weeks. The statue will either be repaired or replaced. The current statue is discolored and has been compromised by years of wear and tear. We hope to have the new statue in place for the ribbon cutting. We are planning a ribbon cutting ceremony in May. Its my understanding that bishop will attend this event.
We are aware that the concrete at the bottom of the handicapped ramp is chipped. This section will be replaced in the spring. We are also aware that there are
some uneven pavers on the patio. This will be repaired or replaced in the spring as part of the “Punch List Work”. We appreciate any and all feedback that you may have. You can email me at [email protected] with any suggestions or questions.
John Benzinger
Program Executive
Skanska USA Building Inc.
The Eucharist and Growth in Holiness: Sacrifice and Sacrament
A lecture by Fr. Reginald Lynch, O.P. (Dominican House of Studies)
Monday, February 10
5:00 PM
Griffin 3
This lecture is free and open to the public.
Prayer Partners:
Our Parish has a wonderful tradition of developing meaningful relationships with our young people as "Prayer Partners." As students prepare for the reception of sacraments during the year, their partner supports them with prayer, encouraging notes, and their presence at key events. This year, we are blessed to have 7 children in the First Communion class, 9 candidates in Confirmation preparation, and a number of adults in the OCIA program. Please contact the Faith Formation office if you would like to be a Prayer Partner for any of those in preparation.